Good news for GolfRSA

The GolfRSA Foundation organized a rally in support of its caddies and employees who found themselves in the most difficult situation during the pandemic. It is reported that 0.5 million rand was taken from the operating part of the budget for this area of expenditure.

In the spring, another million was saved on operating expenses, in addition, there was a voluntary pay cut on behalf of some club employees. Support measures will provide a livelihood for workers in the industry who have been hardest hit by the closure of clubs across the country. This was the result of measures introduced by the government to curb the spread of the pandemic in the state.

A few more ideas were implemented to support the project:

• Online auction;

• iTickets SA – lotteries;

• The budget for the national team was slightly cut.

Previously taken similar measures have shown their effectiveness. It is planned to continue the program, but already now there is an urgent need for new sources of funding.

Among the one-time measures are half a million rand, which were saved by the national team’s flight bans. Players are forbidden to fly to the UK this year, several tours that were scheduled for meetings of different teams failed at once. Thus, the affected players unwittingly helped lower-ranking employees.

Recall that in the year 16 GolfRSA began to work as part of the men’s and women’s teams. The national team has demonstrated its viability as a school that will produce talented athletes. This will allow regular local competitions, as well as start playing for the country at the world level. It is worth noting that all this became possible thanks to the financial investments of businessman Johan Rupert. The total amount of injections amounted to about 15 million rand, which could not but affect the success of the teams.

A sports environment, physical

The club is extremely grateful to Mr. Rupert for his constant help, which made it possible to form teams, give them everything they need to play and constantly improve their skills. Thanks to this money, the company develops, in particular, relies on the younger generation and talented players. For this reason, the composition for the coming year is predominantly young and promising. There are already guys who have moved into the professional ranks of the game.

Part of these funds were also directed to support those in need in connection with the covid lockdown.

Within the teams, however, there is a surge of fresh energy, despite the restrictions, young athletes demonstrate dexterity and a good level, which makes the game exciting. All this was achieved thanks to the well-coordinated work of the foundation, clubs, union, coaching and teaching staff, which is steadily creating and looking for future champions.

At the moment, the group includes 27 promising golfers, who are 16 years old on average. The most experienced of the squad is Jovan Rebula, who has been part of the national team since its inception.

In the case of the competent operation of the entire system, the players should receive everything necessary for the development of abilities. This list includes funding, theoretical support, regular gatherings to hone skills in a sports environment, physical and psychological support. This also includes food, equipment and the ability to perform on a national and global scale.

During the pandemic, everyone is experiencing difficulties, including athletes, as they do not have the opportunity to calmly compete in competitions. However, work will continue to maintain their physical and moral shape. For these purposes, online conferences will be launched, based on which methods and an individual approach to the players will be developed.

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